Emma Roberts praises Kim Kardashian's acting skills

Web DeskJune 27, 2024 03:57 AMentertainment
  • Roberts admires Kardashian's professionalism and dedication to acting
  • Kardashian's exceptional preparation and sincerity impress Roberts
  • Roberts highlights Kardashian's humility and authenticity in the entertainment industry
Emma Roberts praises Kim Kardashian's acting skillsImage Credits: thenews
Emma Roberts praises Kim Kardashian for her professionalism, dedication, and authenticity in the entertainment industry, shedding light on Kardashian's impressive acting skills and work ethic.

During a recent podcast appearance, Emma Roberts, known for her role in Scream Queens, shared her admiration for Kim Kardashian's acting abilities on the popular TV series American Horror Story.

Roberts highlighted Kardashian's professionalism and confidence, noting that she was impressed by Kardashian's dedication to her craft. She specifically mentioned Kardashian's exceptional preparation, emphasizing how she meticulously memorized every line, a quality that Roberts found rare among actors.

Moreover, Roberts commended Kardashian for her openness and vulnerability in her performances, qualities that Roberts, despite her extensive acting experience, sometimes finds challenging to embody. She praised Kardashian's sincerity and directness in her approach to work, which she found inspiring.

One aspect that particularly struck Roberts was Kardashian's down-to-earth nature and lack of a large entourage. Roberts found Kardashian's humility and normalcy to be refreshing, showcasing a different side of the reality TV star.

Emma Roberts' praise for Kim Kardashian sheds light on the latter's impressive acting skills and work ethic. Through Roberts' perspective, we see a different side of Kardashian that goes beyond her public persona, emphasizing her professionalism and authenticity in the entertainment industry.

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