Pakistani Pilgrims Stranded at Baghdad Airport Amid Flight Cancellations

Web DeskAugust 31, 2024 09:18 AMnational
  • Hundreds of Pakistani pilgrims stranded at Baghdad Airport.
  • Over 50 passports reported missing by airport staff.
  • Urgent appeals for government assistance from stranded citizens.
Pakistani Pilgrims Stranded at Baghdad Airport Amid Flight CancellationsImage Credits: pakistantoday
Hundreds of Pakistani pilgrims are stranded at Baghdad Airport due to flight cancellations and missing passports, prompting urgent government appeals.

In recent days, a significant number of Pakistani pilgrims have found themselves in a distressing situation at Baghdad Airport in Iraq. These individuals, who traveled to participate in the 'Arbaeen' pilgrimage, are now stranded due to a lack of available flights. Reports indicate that over 50 passports have gone missing, allegedly misplaced by airport staff, adding to the chaos and confusion faced by the pilgrims.

The plight of these pilgrims began early on a Friday morning, as they arrived at the airport around 4 AM, only to discover that their flights were either delayed or canceled. Many of them, including women and children, have been left waiting for hours without any clear communication from the airline or airport authorities. One frustrated pilgrim expressed, "We have been sitting hungry and thirsty at the airport since 4 AM, and no one is addressing our concerns." This sentiment reflects the growing frustration among the stranded travelers.

Another female pilgrim shared her distress, stating, "Our flight left for Islamabad at 9 AM, leaving us behind in Baghdad. The administration cannot find our passports." This situation has raised serious concerns about the handling of personal documents by the Iraqi airport staff, who reportedly collected the passports upon the pilgrims' arrival.

The stranded Pakistani citizens have urgently appealed to their government for assistance in resolving this troubling situation. The 'Arbaeen' pilgrimage, which commemorates the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS), has drawn over 21 million Muslim pilgrims this year. The event reached its peak last Sunday, with many attendees expressing solidarity with Gaza by displaying Palestinian flags.

'Arbaeen', meaning forty in Arabic, marks the 40th day of mourning for Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS), the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The pilgrimage is a time for deep reflection and remembrance, as pilgrims gather at the mausoleums in Karbala, where Imam Hussain (AS) and his brother Abbas (AS) are buried. The emotional atmosphere is palpable, with many pilgrims openly weeping and wailing in memory of the martyrdom that occurred in 680 A.D.

This unfortunate incident at Baghdad Airport serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by travelers, especially during significant religious events. It highlights the importance of effective communication and organization in managing large groups of people. As the situation unfolds, it is crucial for the relevant authorities to take immediate action to ensure the safety and well-being of the stranded pilgrims. The hope is that these individuals will soon be reunited with their families and return home safely, allowing them to reflect on their spiritual journey without the burden of uncertainty.

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