Clarivate Plc launches Research Horizon Navigator™ tool

Web DeskJune 4, 2024 07:29 PMtech
  • Innovative AI tool identifies emerging research topics for future breakthroughs
  • Provides insights into interdisciplinary nature of research themes
  • Aims to accelerate breakthroughs and promote collaboration in research
Clarivate Plc launches Research Horizon Navigator™ toolImage Credits: en_prnasisa
Clarivate Plc introduces Research Horizon Navigator™, an AI-powered tool that identifies emerging research topics, fosters interdisciplinary collaboration, and accelerates breakthroughs in academia and research.

Clarivate Plc has introduced a groundbreaking tool, the Research Horizon Navigator™, as part of its InCites Benchmarking & Analytics™ platform. This innovative module harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to identify emerging research topics that hold the promise of future breakthroughs. By analyzing data from the Web of Science Core Collection™ and utilizing a unique methodology developed by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)™, the Research Horizon Navigator™ can pinpoint new trends in scholarly articles, reviews, and conference proceedings published within the last five years.

One of the key features of the Research Horizon Navigator™ is its ability to provide users with valuable insights into the interdisciplinary nature of each emerging topic. Through the use of generative AI, the tool assigns research themes and allows users to explore connections between papers, authors, and institutions contributing to these topics via interactive visualizations. This functionality is designed to support academics, funding agencies, and research organizations in making well-informed decisions regarding strategic investments and research directions.

By offering a glimpse into the future of research and highlighting key players in various fields, the Research Horizon Navigator™ aims to accelerate breakthroughs and promote collaboration across different disciplines and geographical boundaries. Subscribers of InCites Benchmarking & Analytics now have access to this powerful tool, which serves as a valuable resource for horizon-scanning projects and strategic planning initiatives.

Feedback from users will play a crucial role in driving continuous improvements to the Research Horizon Navigator™, ensuring its ongoing relevance and effectiveness. Furthermore, the emerging topics identified by the module will be seamlessly integrated into the Web of Science Research Intelligence, enabling institutions to identify funding opportunities and evaluate their strategic positioning in evolving research areas.

Clarivate, a global leader in transformative intelligence, is dedicated to providing trusted data, insights, analytics, and services across various sectors, including Academia & Government, Intellectual Property, and Life Sciences & Healthcare. Through its commitment to delivering reliable intelligence, Clarivate aims to catalyze positive change and foster innovation on a global scale.

The launch of the Research Horizon Navigator™ by Clarivate represents a significant step towards unlocking the potential of emerging research topics and driving collaboration in the academic and scientific communities. With its advanced AI capabilities and user-friendly interface, this tool is poised to revolutionize the way research is conducted and strategic decisions are made. As users continue to provide feedback and the tool evolves, the Research Horizon Navigator™ is set to become an indispensable resource for shaping the future of research and innovation.

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