DeepL Pro expands globally, revolutionizing business translations

Web DeskJune 27, 2024 10:32 AMtech
  • DeepL Pro introduced in 165 new markets for specialized AI solutions
  • DeepL's Language AI platform chosen by 100,000+ businesses worldwide
  • Forrester study shows DeepL Pro's transformative impact on revenue growth
DeepL Pro expands globally, revolutionizing business translationsImage Credits: en_prnasisa
DeepL Pro, a leading Language AI solution, expands globally to meet business demands, offering accurate translations and driving operational efficiencies.

DeepL, a key player in Language AI, has recently introduced its business translation solution, DeepL Pro, on a global scale. This move aims to meet the increasing demand for specialized AI solutions among businesses worldwide. The expansion now covers 165 new markets, catering to organizations looking to enhance their global reach and streamline translation operations.

With a client base exceeding 100,000 businesses and governmental entities such as Nikkei, Deutsche Bahn, and Zendesk, DeepL's Language AI platform has become a popular choice for companies seeking to expand into new markets and improve customer service through accurate translations.

Jarek Kutylowski, the CEO and Founder of DeepL, highlighted the company's dedication to providing AI technology that offers tangible benefits across various language applications. The recent global expansion signifies a significant step towards breaking down language barriers for businesses worldwide, reshaping operational dynamics, and fostering growth.

The demand for AI solutions in the corporate sector is evident, with many enterprises actively utilizing AI to explore its benefits. DeepL aims to lead this AI revolution by offering specialized Language AI solutions tailored for sectors like manufacturing, legal, retail, healthcare, technology, and professional services, aiming to revolutionize the $67.9 billion language industry.

DeepL Pro, the subscription service offered by DeepL, has emerged as a crucial investment for global enterprises, providing accurate and fluent translations across various contexts. Unlike generic AI systems, DeepL's specialized language models ensure precise translations, reducing the risk of errors and misinformation.

Businesses using DeepL Pro can access top-notch translation services that ensure accuracy and natural-sounding fluency, essential for effective global communication. The platform not only enhances linguistic proficiency but also drives cost savings and operational efficiencies for businesses worldwide.

A recent study by Forrester in 2024 showcased the remarkable ROI achieved by companies using DeepL, with a 345% return on investment, a 90% reduction in translation time, and a 50% decrease in workload. These findings highlight the transformative impact of DeepL's Language AI platform on revenue growth and market expansion.

DeepL Pro is now available in 228 markets globally, including regions like Venezuela, Laos, Bolivia, Algeria, and Honduras. For organizations looking to overcome language barriers and improve business communications, DeepL Pro offers a tailored solution to meet diverse industry needs.

Founded in 2017 by CEO Jaroslaw (Jarek) Kutylowski, DeepL has gained trust from millions worldwide, positioning itself as a leading provider of Language AI solutions designed to enhance translation accuracy, writing proficiency, and overall productivity.

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