Afghanistan Approves Liquid Gas Facility Regulations

Web DeskOctober 2, 2024 03:37 AMworld
  • New regulations enhance safety in gas distribution.
  • Storage facilities must move from urban areas.
  • Mining revenue policy approved to boost economy.
Afghanistan Approves Liquid Gas Facility RegulationsImage Credits: thefrontierpost
Afghanistan's Technical Committee approves regulations for liquid gas facilities to enhance safety and economic growth.

The establishment of liquid gas facilities is a significant step towards enhancing energy security and efficiency in Afghanistan. As the country continues to develop its energy infrastructure, the need for safe and regulated gas distribution becomes increasingly important. Recently, the Technical Committee of the Economic Commission convened to address this pressing issue, among others, during its regular session.

During the meeting, the committee focused on creating a procedural framework for the construction of liquid gas facilities. This framework is crucial as it sets the standards and guidelines that must be followed by both government-affiliated and private gas distribution companies. After thorough discussions and necessary revisions, the committee approved the framework, which will now be sent to the Economic Commission for final endorsement.

One of the key requirements of the approved framework is that all gas distribution companies must relocate their storage facilities away from urban centers and densely populated areas. This decision is aimed at ensuring the safety of residents and minimizing the risks associated with gas storage in crowded locations. Companies are now tasked with constructing new facilities that comply with all safety and operational standards.

In addition to the liquid gas facility regulations, the committee also reviewed a draft revenue policy for the mining sector, prepared by the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum. After careful examination, the committee approved this policy, which is expected to enhance the management and revenue generation from Afghanistan's rich mineral resources. This approval marks a significant step towards improving the mining sector's contribution to the national economy.

The approval of the liquid gas facility regulations and the mining revenue policy reflects a commitment to safety, efficiency, and economic growth in Afghanistan. As the country moves forward, it is essential for all stakeholders to adhere to these new regulations and policies, ensuring a safer environment and a more robust economy. The path ahead may be challenging, but with careful planning and execution, Afghanistan can achieve its energy and economic goals.

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