Jordanian FM Highlights Global Support for UNRWA Amid Humanitarian Crisis

Web DeskSeptember 27, 2024 11:19 AMworld
  • UNRWA receives global vote of confidence from over 50 countries.
  • 222 UNRWA staff members have lost their lives in the conflict.
  • Urgent need for educational support for traumatized Palestinian children.
Jordanian FM Highlights Global Support for UNRWA Amid Humanitarian CrisisImage Credits: arabnewspk
Jordan's FM Ayman Safadi emphasizes global support for UNRWA amid ongoing humanitarian crisis in Palestine.

In a significant development regarding the humanitarian situation in Palestine, a high-level meeting focused on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has garnered what Jordan's Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi described as a "global vote of confidence". This meeting took place at the UN headquarters in New York City, amidst ongoing tensions and challenges faced by the agency, particularly due to Israel's alleged "political assassination campaign" against it.

During the joint press conference with UNRWA Commissioner General Philippe Lazzarini, Safadi emphasized the critical role that UNRWA plays in providing essential services to Palestinian refugees. He stated, "Today rallied international support behind an agency which carries out heroic work in helping the Palestinian people through the misery that Israel continues to bring to Gaza." This statement underscores the importance of UNRWA's efforts in delivering humanitarian aid and support to those affected by the ongoing conflict.

Safadi highlighted the sacrifices made by UNRWA staff, noting that 222 members have lost their lives due to the violence in the region. He expressed that the agency is "irreplaceable" and "indispensable", especially in light of the current humanitarian crisis. The foreign minister also pointed out that over 50 countries participated in the meeting, showcasing a united front in support of UNRWA's mission.

Furthermore, Safadi praised UNRWA's initiatives, such as the polio vaccination campaign, which has saved countless lives among Palestinian children. He condemned the Israeli government's attempts to undermine the agency, labeling it as "incomprehensible" for a UN member state to designate a UN agency as a terrorist organization. He firmly stated, "That can’t happen, and we must stand against that," emphasizing the need for global solidarity in protecting the integrity of the UN system.

Commissioner General Lazzarini echoed these sentiments, describing the Israeli campaign against UNRWA as "relentless" and detrimental not only to the agency but to the broader international community. He warned that such actions aim to strip Palestinians of their refugee status and weaken their aspirations for self-determination. Lazzarini also raised concerns about the operational challenges faced by UNRWA staff in the Occupied Territories, stating that calls to dissolve the agency would be "unconscionable" and could lead to severe repercussions.

As the situation in Gaza remains dire, Lazzarini painted a grim picture of the conditions on the ground, noting that more than one million school-age children are living in trauma and amidst rubble. He stressed the urgency of ensuring that these children return to learning, as an entire generation risks being sacrificed if their educational needs are not met.

Despite the challenges, Lazzarini assured that UNRWA would strive to bridge the funding gap, which currently stands at $60-$80 million for the remainder of the year. He acknowledged the decline in foreign aid from some donor countries but remained committed to the agency's mission. The meeting received backing from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs Jean-Noel Barrot, both of whom reiterated the vital role of UNRWA in providing humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.

The support expressed for UNRWA during this high-level meeting highlights the international community's recognition of the agency's crucial role in alleviating the suffering of Palestinian refugees. As the humanitarian crisis continues to unfold, it is imperative for the global community to remain engaged and supportive of UNRWA's efforts. The agency not only provides essential services but also represents a beacon of hope for millions of Palestinians who are enduring unimaginable hardships. The call for solidarity and support for UNRWA is not just a matter of humanitarian concern; it is a commitment to uphold the principles of human dignity and rights for all.

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