US Backs India-Pakistan Talks Amid Tensions

Web DeskJune 22, 2024 02:41 PMworld
  • US supports direct discussions between India and Pakistan
  • Emphasis on facilitating dialogue and regional security cooperation
  • Ongoing communication with Pakistani leaders on counter-terrorism issues
US Backs India-Pakistan Talks Amid TensionsImage Credits: nation_pk
The United States expresses support for direct talks between India and Pakistan amidst escalating tensions over Jammu and Kashmir. Emphasizing regional security cooperation and counter-terrorism initiatives, the US aims to facilitate peace and stability in the region.

The United States has expressed its support for direct discussions between India and Pakistan, emphasizing that the two countries should determine the pace, scope, and nature of the talks themselves. State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller highlighted the importance of the US relationships with both nations and reiterated the stance on facilitating dialogue between India and Pakistan.

Since August 5, 2019, when India unilaterally annexed Jammu and Kashmir, tensions between the two countries have escalated, leading to a suspension of official talks. Despite this, the US recognizes the common goal shared with Pakistan in addressing regional security threats.

The US collaborates with Pakistan on security matters through various counter-terrorism initiatives and military engagements. This partnership includes counter-terrorism capacity building programs and regular high-level dialogues to enhance regional security.

Miller emphasized the ongoing communication with Pakistani leaders to strengthen cooperation on counter-terrorism issues. The US remains committed to discussing regional security comprehensively through annual counter-terrorism dialogues and bilateral consultations.

India and Pakistan have a history of conflict, particularly over the region of Jammu and Kashmir. The recent tensions stem from India's decision to revoke the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, leading to protests and increased military presence in the region. The international community, including the United States, has been monitoring the situation closely.

The United States' support for direct talks between India and Pakistan reflects its commitment to promoting peace and stability in the region. By encouraging dialogue and cooperation on security issues, the US aims to facilitate a peaceful resolution to the longstanding disputes between the two countries.

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