Eva Mendes Opens Up About Family and Career Choices

Web DeskMay 3, 2024 03:04 AMentertainment
  • Eva Mendes prioritizes family over acting career after welcoming second daughter
  • Ryan Gosling supports Mendes in balancing family and career responsibilities
  • Mendes embraces hands-on parenting role, focusing on being present for her children
Eva Mendes Opens Up About Family and Career ChoicesImage Credits: geo
Eva Mendes discusses her decision to prioritize family over acting career, highlighting the support from partner Ryan Gosling and her commitment to being a hands-on parent.

Eva Mendes recently shared insights into her decision to step back from her acting career in a candid interview with People Magazine. The actress, known for her roles in films like Ghost Rider, opened up about her family life, which includes partner Ryan Gosling and their two daughters.

Reflecting on her relationship with Ryan, Mendes expressed gratitude for the support she receives, stating, 'He's got me in all the ways I need to be supported.' She revealed that after welcoming her second daughter, Amada, she made the decision to prioritize her children over her career, emphasizing the importance of being present during their formative years.

Despite her successful acting career, Mendes found it easy to prioritize her family, recognizing that her children's upbringing would have a lasting impact on their lives. She humorously admitted to not being a skilled cook, with Ryan taking on the cooking duties while she handles the cleaning at home.

In a light-hearted moment, Mendes shared an anecdote about her daughters questioning her cooking skills, jokingly responding to their inquiries about her egg-making abilities. She concluded the interview by emphasizing her commitment to being there for her children and embracing her role as a hands-on parent.

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