Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Combat Election Misinformation

Web DeskApril 10, 2024 04:12 PMentertainment
  • Launching campaign to combat election misinformation in the US
  • Teaming up with bipartisan coalition and tech giants
  • Meghan's history of activism and lobbying US Congress for paid leave
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Combat Election MisinformationImage Credits: Tatler
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Archewell Foundation launches campaign to combat election misinformation in the US, teaming up with bipartisan coalition and tech giants. Meghan's history of activism and lobbying US Congress for paid leave reflect their commitment to positive social impact.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, known for their active involvement in social issues, have launched a new campaign through their organisation, Archewell Foundation, to combat election misinformation in the US. Teaming up with a bipartisan coalition and prominent figures from Hollywood, they aim to tackle the spread of deepfakes and manipulative media during the upcoming US election cycle.

Experts have raised concerns about the potential use of advanced technology by both foreign and domestic actors to deceive voters. To address this, tech giants like Google, Meta, and OpenAI have pledged to fight against deceptive AI content.

Under the direction of Jesse Dylan, son of legendary musician Bob Dylan, two awareness-raising ads have already been released, with more content in the pipeline. Since their move to the US, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been actively engaged in political matters, with Meghan even lobbying US Congress for mandatory paid leave.

Meghan's history of activism dates back to her childhood, where she protested against sexism and advocated for women's rights. Her strong stance on feminist issues led her to become a UN Women's Advocate for Women's Political Participation and Leadership in 2015.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's dedication to combating election misinformation and promoting social causes continues to make a significant impact. Their proactive approach towards addressing critical issues reflects their commitment to effecting positive change in society.

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