Square Enix keeps fans waiting for Kingdom Hearts 4 updates

Web DeskApril 11, 2024 01:38 AMentertainment
  • Fans eagerly anticipate news on Kingdom Hearts 4 progress
  • Speculation and humor arise due to lack of updates
  • Comparison to Kingdom Hearts 3 release timeline fuels impatience
Square Enix keeps fans waiting for Kingdom Hearts 4 updatesImage Credits: IGN Nordic
Fans eagerly await updates on Kingdom Hearts 4 from developer Square Enix, sparking speculation and humor in the community. Comparisons to past releases and hopes for new features keep anticipation high.

Kingdom Hearts 4, announced on April 10, 2024, has left fans eagerly awaiting updates from developer Square Enix. Despite the initial reveal with a detailed trailer, Square Enix has remained silent on the game's progress since then, leading to speculation and humor among fans.

Some fans on Reddit have expressed disbelief that the announcement actually occurred, with one jokingly questioning if it was all a dream. Comparisons to the release timeline of Kingdom Hearts 3, which took over five years to launch after its trailer, have added to the anticipation and impatience for Kingdom Hearts 4.

Although titled as the fourth installment, Kingdom Hearts 4 is not the fourth game in the series due to the various intermediary releases between Kingdom Hearts 2 and 3. The franchise has seen a slowdown in activity since the announcement of Kingdom Hearts 4, with fans eagerly awaiting any news or updates.

While Final Fantasy, a related series from Square Enix, has seen multiple releases and updates since Kingdom Hearts 3, some fans remain hopeful that the recent success of Final Fantasy titles could indicate progress on Kingdom Hearts 4. Speculation about potential features, such as a Star Wars section, has kept fans engaged while they wait for more information from Square Enix.

As fans continue to patiently anticipate news about Kingdom Hearts 4, the community remains active in discussing and analyzing the limited information available. With hopes high for a significant update in the near future, the Kingdom Hearts fanbase eagerly awaits any news that Square Enix may share.

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