Meghan Markle's Brand Criticized for Rushed Design Choices

Web DeskApril 10, 2024 01:06 PMentertainment
  • Logo's cluttered crest lacks clarity and coherence
  • Fancy handwriting style criticized for lack of readability
  • Shadow addition to text deemed outdated and ineffective
Meghan Markle's Brand Criticized for Rushed Design ChoicesImage Credits: The Mirror
Design expert Lita Rebello criticizes Meghan Markle's American Riviera Orchard brand for rushed, cluttered design choices lacking clarity and coherence.

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, recently launched her new lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard. However, the brand's debut has been met with criticism from design expert Lita Rebello, who believes the branding was rushed and lacks clarity.

Rebello pointed out that the logo's crest, while attempting to cleverly incorporate initials, appears cluttered and difficult to decipher. The overall design of the logo was described as overly busy, with an excessive amount of elements competing for attention, resulting in a lack of coherence.

Furthermore, the choice of a fancy handwriting style for the brand's text was criticized for its lack of readability, especially when scaled down to a smaller size. The thin lines of the script were noted to blend together, causing strain on the eyes.

In an attempt to address the readability issue, a shadow was added behind the text. However, Rebello deemed this solution as outdated and ineffective, ultimately making the logo appear dated.

Overall, the rushed and cluttered design of Meghan Markle's American Riviera Orchard brand has failed to impress design experts, raising concerns about the brand's visual identity and market appeal.

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