Supreme Court Faces Pressure Over Military Court Delays

Web DeskApril 25, 2024 11:34 AMpolitics
  • Delays in verdict raise speculation of internal conflicts within apex court
  • Concerns persist over selection of judges overseeing the case
  • Prolonged legal battle highlights need for swift resolution and fair trial
Supreme Court Faces Pressure Over Military Court DelaysImage Credits:
The prolonged legal battle surrounding the trials of civilians in military courts raises concerns over delays, procedural hurdles, and the integrity of the judicial system. The Supreme Court faces mounting pressure to ensure a fair trial for all parties involved.

Since the arrest of numerous PTI activists over ten months ago, the fate of those held in military custody remains uncertain. The Supreme Court is yet to reach a decision on their case involving an alleged attack on military installations on May 9. The delay in rendering a verdict has led to speculation about internal conflicts within the apex court causing the holdup. Legal maneuvers by the petitioners have not expedited the resolution, with objections against Justice Sardar Tariq Masood initially stalling progress. The petitioners' request to expand the bench further complicated matters, hindering a swift resolution.

Concerns persist over the selection of judges overseeing the case, with doubts raised about the exclusion of senior judges from the larger bench. The committee tasked with deliberating on the bench's formation has faced setbacks, including Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah's recusal. The prolonged delay in military court cases has drawn criticism, with calls for adherence to due process under Article 10-A and international human rights law.

The handling of the military court appeal has been deemed a travesty, with delays and technicalities impeding justice. The Supreme Court's sanctioning of military courts' proceedings has raised ethical and legal concerns, impacting the reputation of the judiciary. The failure to reach a decision on trying civilians in military courts reflects poorly on the current Chief Justice and the judicial process as a whole.

In conclusion, the protracted legal battle surrounding the trials of civilians in military courts underscores the need for a swift and just resolution. The delays and procedural hurdles have not only affected the individuals involved but have also cast a shadow over the integrity of the judicial system. The Supreme Court faces mounting pressure to uphold the rule of law and ensure a fair trial for all parties involved.

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