PTI Core Committee Firm on Defectors' Return

Web DeskJuly 2, 2024 06:51 AMpolitics
  • PTI core committee led by Barrister Gohar Ali Khan takes strict stance
  • Former members seeking reentry face rejection due to lack of authority
  • Committee emphasizes discipline and unity in party decisions
PTI Core Committee Firm on Defectors' ReturnImage Credits: thenews
The PTI core committee, under Barrister Gohar Ali Khan's leadership, stands firm on not welcoming back defectors, emphasizing party discipline and unity amidst internal challenges and preparations for upcoming elections.

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) core committee recently made a significant decision regarding former members who had left the party during challenging times. The committee, led by PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan, passed a resolution stating that defectors would not be welcomed back into the party. This decision comes amidst discussions about party discipline and internal issues within PTI.

During the meeting, Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan addressed the absence of internal factions but acknowledged certain disciplinary concerns. He specifically advised Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Omar Ayub Khan to reconsider his resignation as the party's secretary general, a suggestion that received unanimous support from all core committee members.

The core committee also focused on enforcing party discipline and passed three resolutions related to Ayub's resignation, maintaining discipline within the party, and taking strict actions against those who violate party rules. The committee urged PTI founder Imran Khan to carefully consider their recommendations moving forward.

In response to reports of former members seeking to rejoin PTI, the core committee strongly condemned those who had deserted the party during difficult periods, emphasizing that they have no authority to comment on party affairs. Notably, former federal minister Fawad Chaudhry criticized PTI's leadership for what he perceived as obstacles hindering the release of incarcerated party members due to a lack of political strategy.

Fawad Chaudhry, who had previously taken a hiatus from politics and distanced himself from PTI following incidents of violence in May last year, later clarified that he had not officially left the party after being released from detention. The PTI leadership reiterated its stance on not readmitting defectors, indicating that decisions regarding their potential return would be made by the party founder upon his release from prison.

Following violent protests in May 2023, several PTI leaders had resigned from the party, with some expressing a desire to rejoin ahead of the upcoming February 8 elections. Initially, the party leadership had rejected the idea of allowing any deserters back into the fold. However, a committee has now been established to evaluate the status of those seeking reentry into PTI, in accordance with directives from the former prime minister.

The PTI core committee's firm stance against welcoming back defectors underscores the party's commitment to upholding discipline and unity. As PTI navigates internal challenges and prepares for upcoming elections, the decisions made by the core committee will shape the party's trajectory moving forward.

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