UNESCO Resolution on Disinformation Led by Pakistan

Web DeskOctober 18, 2024 01:11 AMpolitics
  • UNESCO adopts resolution against disinformation.
  • Pakistan spearheads global initiative for truth.
  • 50 member states support freedom of expression.
UNESCO Resolution on Disinformation Led by PakistanImage Credits: tribune.com.pk
UNESCO adopts a resolution led by Pakistan to combat disinformation, promoting freedom of expression and access to accurate information.

In an era where information spreads faster than wildfire, the issue of disinformation has become a significant concern for nations around the globe. Disinformation, which refers to false or misleading information spread intentionally, poses a serious threat to freedom of expression and access to accurate information. Recognizing this pressing challenge, UNESCO has taken a decisive step by adopting a resolution aimed at countering disinformation.

The resolution, titled "Countering Disinformation for the Promotion and Protection of Freedom of Expression and Access to Information," was spearheaded by Pakistan and received support from 50 member states. This collaborative effort culminated in a consensus adoption during the 220th Session of the UNESCO Executive Board, currently taking place in Paris. The unanimous agreement reflects a shared commitment among nations to tackle the growing menace of disinformation.

Pakistan's Ambassador to UNESCO, Asim Iftikhar Ahmad, expressed gratitude towards the member states for their invaluable contributions and support, which were instrumental in achieving this consensus. He emphasized that disinformation is not just a minor issue; it is one of the most pressing challenges facing societies today. The resolution aims to promote a more informed public discourse and protect the rights of individuals to access truthful information.

This initiative by UNESCO is particularly timely, as the digital age has made it easier for false information to spread rapidly, often leading to confusion and mistrust among the public. By addressing disinformation, UNESCO is not only safeguarding freedom of expression but also ensuring that people have access to reliable information, which is essential for making informed decisions.

The adoption of this resolution marks a significant milestone in the global fight against disinformation. It serves as a reminder that in a world inundated with information, the truth must be protected and promoted. As individuals, we must also take responsibility for verifying the information we consume and share. By doing so, we contribute to a more informed society, where freedom of expression thrives, and access to accurate information is guaranteed for all.

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