Japan's METI Aims for Global Leadership in Automotive Innovation

Web DeskMay 30, 2024 04:24 PMtech
  • METI targets 30% global market share for self-driving vehicles by 2030
  • Japan plans to have 11-12 million SDVs on roads by 2030
  • Creation of 'Mobility DX Platform' to drive collaboration and innovation
Japan's METI Aims for Global Leadership in Automotive InnovationImage Credits: asiatimes
Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) aims to lead the global automotive market with a focus on self-driving software-defined vehicles. Through a comprehensive roadmap, Japan plans to drive innovation, collaboration, and digital transformation in the automotive industry.

Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has set an ambitious goal for the country's automotive sector - to secure a 30% share of the global market for self-driving software-defined vehicles (SDVs) by 2030. SDVs, which are vehicles that can receive updates over the internet like software programs, are seen as the future of transportation.

METI's plan involves significant growth, with projections indicating that by 2030, Japan could have 11-12 million SDVs on the roads, increasing to 17-19 million by 2035. To put this into perspective, in 2023, Toyota alone produced 10.8 million vehicles, while Toyota, Honda, and Nissan collectively manufactured 18.3 million vehicles.

The roadmap outlined by METI covers a wide range of areas including electric vehicle technology, software development, AI integration for autonomous driving, cybersecurity measures, and the establishment of a global data service. Additionally, plans are in place for training programs to develop skilled professionals in the field.

By 2035, METI aims to create a 'Mobility DX Platform' that will foster collaboration among industry players, startups, universities, and experts. This initiative builds upon the foundation laid by JASPAR, a platform established in 2004 to standardize electronic control systems in vehicles.

The ultimate goal of these efforts is to create a vibrant ecosystem that promotes innovation, competition, and cooperation in the digital mobility sector, paving the way for practical advancements in transportation technology.

Japan's ambitious roadmap for digital transformation in the automotive industry signals a strong commitment to staying at the forefront of technological innovation. By focusing on self-driving software-defined vehicles and fostering collaboration across various sectors, Japan aims to lead the way in shaping the future of mobility. As these initiatives unfold, the world will be watching to see how Japan's vision for a digitalized automotive landscape unfolds.

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