Kuro Games Addresses Technical Issues in Wuthering Waves Launch

Web DeskMay 24, 2024 11:42 PMtech
  • Kuro Games apologizes for technical difficulties in Wuthering Waves debut
  • Emergency patch released to address login timeouts, crashes, and performance problems
  • Players compensated with in-game rewards for inconvenience caused
Kuro Games Addresses Technical Issues in Wuthering Waves LaunchImage Credits: ign_pk
Learn about the challenges faced during the global launch of Wuthering Waves by Kuro Games, the developer's response, technical issues encountered, and compensation offered to players.

The highly anticipated Gacha game, Wuthering Waves, developed by Kuro, recently made its global debut on PC and mobile platforms. However, the launch was met with technical difficulties that affected players' gaming experience.

Kuro, the developer behind Wuthering Waves, has issued a formal apology for the issues encountered by players. They have reassured the community that they are actively working to address and resolve the various bugs and performance problems plaguing the game.

Some of the technical issues reported include login timeouts, age authentication problems, crashes, glitches on specific Android devices, and performance issues like lag and overheating. To tackle these issues, an emergency patch has been released, and players are advised to adjust their graphics settings for a smoother gameplay experience.

In an effort to compensate players for the inconvenience caused, Kuro is offering Lustrous Tide*10 to those who reach Union Level 2 or above by July 3. Additionally, players can expect in-game rewards through promo codes to celebrate the game's launch.

Looking ahead, Kuro Games is committed to continuous improvement and optimization of Wuthering Waves. Players are encouraged to stay updated on upcoming updates and announcements from the developer to enhance their gaming experience.

While the launch of Wuthering Waves may have faced initial challenges, Kuro Games' dedication to addressing player concerns and delivering a top-notch gaming experience shines through. With ongoing optimizations and player-focused initiatives, the future looks promising for Wuthering Waves enthusiasts.

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