Merck halts skin cancer trial due to severe side effects

Web DeskMay 14, 2024 02:17 AMtech
  • Merck ends trial on vibostolimab and Keytruda combination due to side effects
  • Vibostolimab is an immunotherapy targeting TIGIT receptor on immune cells
  • Gilead continues TIGIT therapy development despite setbacks in lung cancer trials
Merck halts skin cancer trial due to severe side effectsImage Credits: thefrontierpost
Merck discontinues a skin cancer trial due to severe side effects from vibostolimab and Keytruda combination. Despite setbacks, Gilead persists in TIGIT therapy development.

Merck recently made the decision to stop a clinical trial focused on a combination treatment for advanced skin cancer. The trial involved a new drug called vibostolimab along with Merck's Keytruda. The goal was to help patients with high-risk melanoma have a better chance of not having the cancer return. Unfortunately, the study found that the combination of these two drugs caused severe side effects, leading Merck to end the trial.

Vibostolimab is a type of treatment known as immunotherapy. It works by targeting a receptor called TIGIT on immune cells, helping the body fight against cancer cells. Even though this trial didn't go as planned, Merck is still dedicated to testing how vibostolimab and Keytruda work together in other trials.

Other studies involving vibostolimab have shown mixed results in the past. In one trial last year, the combination treatment didn't do much to slow down lung cancer. Another study suggested that vibostolimab wasn't as effective as a standard medication for certain lung cancer patients.

Many pharmaceutical companies, like Gilead Sciences, Roche, and GSK, are interested in developing treatments that target TIGIT. However, there have been challenges in this area. For example, Gilead and Arcus Biosciences recently stopped a trial for their TIGIT treatment in a specific type of lung cancer.

Despite these setbacks, Gilead is still focused on creating TIGIT therapies. They have invested a lot of money in their partnership with a biotech company. The competition among companies in the TIGIT cancer drug market is always changing, with many companies trying to succeed in this important field.

While the recent trial discontinuation is a setback, it shows the importance of carefully studying new treatments for cancer. Companies like Merck and Gilead are working hard to find better ways to help patients fight this disease. The world of cancer research is always evolving, and each step brings us closer to more effective treatments for those in need.

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