UMG and TikTok reach agreement on music royalties

Web DeskMay 2, 2024 01:39 PMtech
  • UMG and TikTok resolve royalty dispute over AI use
  • New agreement reinstates UMG music on TikTok platform
  • Resolution benefits TikTok users and UMG artists
UMG and TikTok reach agreement on music royaltiesImage Credits:
UMG and TikTok have settled their dispute over music royalties and AI use, benefiting both users and artists in the digital music industry.

After a prolonged battle over royalties and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Universal Music Group (UMG) and TikTok have finally come to an agreement. The resolution was announced on Wednesday, marking a significant development in the music industry.


The conflict between UMG, one of the world's largest music companies, and TikTok, a popular social media platform, stemmed from disagreements over royalty payments for music used on the app. Additionally, UMG raised concerns about TikTok's use of AI to identify and promote songs without proper compensation to artists and labels.

New Agreement

The newly reached agreement between UMG and TikTok signifies a positive step forward. Under this deal, UMG's extensive music catalogue will be reinstated on the TikTok platform, allowing users to access a wide range of songs from UMG artists.


This resolution is expected to benefit both parties involved. TikTok users will once again enjoy access to UMG's music library, enhancing their content creation capabilities. On the other hand, UMG artists and labels can now receive fair compensation for their music being used on TikTok, ensuring a more equitable distribution of royalties.


The resolution of the dispute between UMG and TikTok highlights the importance of fair compensation for music creators in the digital age. By reaching a new agreement, both companies have demonstrated a commitment to fostering positive relationships within the music industry and ensuring that artists are properly rewarded for their work.

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