Afghanistan Signs $1 Billion Gas Extraction Deal with Ariel Group

Web DeskOctober 12, 2024 07:53 AMworld
  • Ariel Group to invest $1 billion in Tooti Gas Field.
  • Contract expected to create jobs for Afghan workers.
  • Uzbekistan and Afghanistan strengthen economic ties.
Afghanistan Signs $1 Billion Gas Extraction Deal with Ariel GroupImage Credits: thefrontierpost
Afghanistan signs a $1 billion gas extraction contract with Ariel Group, enhancing economic ties and creating job opportunities.

The recent signing of a significant gas extraction contract between Afghanistan and the Uzbek company, Ariel Group, marks a pivotal moment for the energy sector in Afghanistan. This contract, valued at $1 billion, pertains to the Tooti Gas Field Block located in Jowzjan Province. The agreement was formalized at a ceremony held at the Government Media Center, attended by key figures including Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, and Ismatullo Ergashev, the Special Envoy of the President of Uzbekistan.

During the signing ceremony, Mr. Ergashev emphasized the strong and friendly relations between Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. He stated that this contract is not just a business deal; it represents a deepening of cooperation between the two neighboring countries. The partnership is expected to create numerous job opportunities for Afghan workers, highlighting the mutual benefits that both nations stand to gain from this collaboration.

Moreover, Mr. Ergashev reiterated Uzbekistan's commitment to supporting Afghanistan, expressing intentions to facilitate job opportunities for many Afghans within a shared market framework. This sentiment was echoed by Mullah Hidayatullah Badri, the Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum, who provided insights into the Tooti Gas Field Block. This area spans approximately 7,000 square kilometers and is part of the Amu Darya Basin, a region rich in natural resources.

According to Minister Badri, Ariel Group, in partnership with its Afghan counterpart Kam Energy, plans to invest $100 million in the first year, with a total investment of $1 billion over the next decade. This substantial investment is expected to significantly enhance the electricity supply in the region, as the company aims to generate 100 megawatts of electricity from gas within the first two years of operation.

In addition to electricity generation, the Ariel Group is set to conduct extensive surveys in the area. They will undertake a two-dimensional survey covering at least 1,500 square kilometers and a three-dimensional survey of 1,000 kilometers within the first three years. This comprehensive approach is designed to uncover new gas resources and implement professional extraction practices.

It is important to note that the first year of this contract will serve as a trial period. If Ariel Group fails to meet its commitments during this time, the contract may be terminated. This clause underscores the importance of accountability and performance in such significant agreements.

The signing of this gas extraction contract is a hopeful development for Afghanistan, promising economic growth and job creation in a country that has faced numerous challenges. As both nations work together, the potential for a brighter future becomes increasingly tangible. The collaboration not only aims to boost the local economy but also strengthens the ties between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, paving the way for further partnerships in the region.

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