ASTRO 3D Study Reveals Stars' Impact on Galaxy Spin

Web DeskApril 8, 2024 07:33 PMworld
  • Star age influences galaxy organization and spin dynamics
  • Galaxies in denser environments tend to be older
  • Insight challenges assumptions about galaxy dynamics
ASTRO 3D Study Reveals Stars' Impact on Galaxy SpinImage Credits:
A recent ASTRO 3D study reveals how star age influences galaxy spin dynamics, challenging assumptions and deepening our understanding of celestial bodies' interactions.

A recent study conducted by the Australian research center ASTRO 3D has shed light on the significant role age plays in determining how stars orbit within galaxies. The research, published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society journal, analyzed data from the SAMI Galaxy Survey, encompassing observations from over 3,000 galaxies in diverse environments.

The findings indicate that as stars age, the organization within galaxies becomes more chaotic. The study revealed a strong correlation between the age of stars or their specific formation rate and the spin of galaxies. According to Jesse van de Sande, an astronomer from the University of New South Wales and a key contributor to the research, galaxies in denser environments tend to be older due to a slowdown in star formation processes.

The analysis emphasized that the reduction in galaxy spin is primarily linked to the age of the stars rather than the density of their surroundings. This insight challenges previous assumptions and underscores the intricate relationship between star age, environment, and galaxy dynamics.

The study's findings provide valuable insights into the evolution of galaxies and the factors influencing their structural dynamics. By highlighting the impact of star age on galaxy spin, researchers have deepened our understanding of how celestial bodies interact within the vast expanse of the universe.

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