NTDC Transmission Network Crisis Hinders Affordable Power Supply in Pakistan

Web DeskSeptember 28, 2024 02:21 PMnational
  • NEPRA highlights NTDC's poor transmission network issues.
  • Investment plan approved to enhance transmission infrastructure.
  • Overloaded grid stations threaten reliable electricity supply.
NTDC Transmission Network Crisis Hinders Affordable Power Supply in PakistanImage Credits: nation_pk
NEPRA reveals NTDC's transmission network issues, impacting affordable power supply in Pakistan. Urgent investment needed for infrastructure improvement.

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has recently highlighted a significant issue affecting the electricity supply in Pakistan. The country is facing challenges in providing affordable and reliable power to its consumers, primarily due to the poor transmission network of the National Transmission and Despatch Company Limited (NTDC). This situation is particularly concerning as the generation of electricity from economical and indigenous fuel sources is concentrated in the southern regions, while the demand for power is predominantly in the north.

NEPRA's findings indicate that the existing transmission and transformation capacity is insufficient to transfer cheaper electricity from the south to the load centers in the north. This inadequacy has led to the curtailment of economic power plants, forcing the system operator to rely on more expensive Residual Fuel Oil (RFO) based power plants to maintain system stability. Consequently, this reliance results in higher generation costs, which ultimately impacts consumers.

In light of these challenges, NEPRA has approved a three-year investment plan worth Rs353.322 billion for NTDC. This plan aims to address the critical bottlenecks in the transmission network. The authority has acknowledged the need for urgent action, particularly in the southern regions, where the majority of renewable energy sources, including wind and solar, are located. The concerns raised by wind power plant owners regarding curtailment due to a fragile transmission network further emphasize the urgency of the situation.

To mitigate these issues, NEPRA has directed NTDC to expedite the completion of various constraint removal projects. Among these projects are the completion of the 500 kV KKI and 220 kV Dhabeji lines, which are expected to alleviate some of the curtailment problems. However, for maximum power evacuation from wind power projects, the establishment of the 220 kV GIS Gharo is deemed essential.

Moreover, NEPRA has identified that eight of NTDC's grid stations are currently overloaded and experiencing significant constraints. The authority has mandated the implementation of proper constraint removal schemes for these stations to ensure a stable and reliable electricity supply.

The challenges faced by the NTDC's transmission network are not just technical issues; they have real implications for the everyday lives of consumers across Pakistan. As the country strives to harness its indigenous energy resources, it is crucial for the authorities to prioritize the enhancement of the transmission infrastructure. By doing so, Pakistan can move towards a future where affordable and reliable electricity is accessible to all, ultimately fostering economic growth and improving the quality of life for its citizens.

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