CJP Questions SC Order Uploading Process

Web DeskSeptember 22, 2024 04:09 PMpolitics
  • CJP raises concerns over SC order transparency.
  • Inquiry into procedural integrity of Supreme Court.
  • Questions on order announcement and documentation.
CJP Questions SC Order Uploading ProcessImage Credits: nation_pk
CJP Justice Qazi Faez Isa questions the uploading process of SC orders, emphasizing the need for transparency and procedural integrity.

In a significant development within the judicial system of Pakistan, Chief Justice of Pakistan, Justice Qazi Faez Isa, has raised critical questions regarding an order that was issued on September 14 concerning civil appeals. This inquiry comes at a time when the procedural integrity of the Supreme Court is under scrutiny, highlighting the importance of transparency and adherence to established protocols.

During a recent session, the Chief Justice directed the Deputy Registrar to provide clarity on several procedural steps that were taken in relation to the applications. He expressed concerns about the timeline of these applications, questioning when they were filed and why they were not presented before the Supreme Court Committee, which was established under the Supreme Court (Practice and Procedure) Act, 2023. This act aims to streamline the processes within the court, ensuring that all applications are handled efficiently and fairly.

Moreover, Justice Isa raised pertinent questions about the hearing of these applications. He inquired why a cause list was not issued prior to the hearing and whether notices were sent to all relevant parties, including the Attorney-General. These questions are crucial as they touch upon the fundamental rights of the parties involved, ensuring that everyone has a fair opportunity to present their case.

In addition to these procedural concerns, the Chief Justice sought to understand the circumstances surrounding the order's announcement. He questioned why no cause list was made available before the order was declared and why the order itself was not formally announced. This lack of clarity raises concerns about the transparency of the judicial process.

One of the most pressing issues raised by the Chief Justice was regarding the uploading of the order to the Supreme Court’s website. He questioned how this was done without the original file being deposited first, emphasizing the need for proper documentation and record-keeping in judicial matters. The Chief Justice's inquiry into who directed the uploading of the order is particularly significant, as it points to potential lapses in protocol that could undermine public trust in the judicial system.

The court's office is expected to respond to these inquiries, and the outcome may have implications for how the Supreme Court handles similar cases in the future. This situation serves as a reminder of the importance of procedural integrity in the judicial system. It is essential for the public to have confidence in the processes that govern the courts, as these processes ultimately uphold the rule of law.

The Chief Justice's probing questions reflect a commitment to ensuring that the judicial system operates with the utmost transparency and accountability. As the legal landscape continues to evolve, it is crucial for all stakeholders to remain vigilant and uphold the principles of justice. The outcome of this inquiry may not only clarify the current situation but also set a precedent for future practices within the Supreme Court, reinforcing the importance of following established protocols to maintain public trust.

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