EU Diplomat's Visit to Pakistan Highlights Religious Freedom Concerns

Web DeskSeptember 14, 2024 04:17 PMpolitics
  • EU diplomat's visit met with key officials' absence.
  • Concerns raised over Pakistan's commitment to religious freedoms.
  • Upcoming GSP+ review emphasizes need for human rights adherence.
EU Diplomat's Visit to Pakistan Highlights Religious Freedom ConcernsImage Credits: dawn
EU diplomat's visit to Pakistan raises concerns over engagement and commitment to religious freedoms ahead of GSP+ review.

ISLAMABAD: The recent visit of EU diplomat Ambassador Frans van Daele to Pakistan has raised eyebrows within the diplomatic community. As the special envoy for the Promotion of Freedom of Religion or Belief, his mission was to engage with various stakeholders in Pakistan to discuss the important issue of religious freedoms. However, the visit did not unfold as smoothly as anticipated, primarily due to a lack of engagement from some key officials.

During his week-long trip, Ambassador van Daele met with several important figures, including Senate Chairman Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani and National Assembly Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq. Yet, notable absences were felt, particularly from Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar, Interior Minister Mohsin, and Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, who reportedly did not meet with the EU delegation. This lack of engagement has led to concerns that certain influential voices in the government are hesitant to address the pressing issues surrounding freedom of religion and belief.

The purpose of Ambassador van Daele's visit was not only to gather information but also to prepare for the upcoming monitoring mission in 2025. The EU is keen to understand the current state of religious freedoms in Pakistan, especially since the country’s access to European markets under the Generalised Scheme of Preferences Plus (GSP+) regime is contingent upon its commitment to uphold human rights. With a review of Pakistan's status scheduled for 2027, the stakes are high.

Ambassador van Daele emphasized the importance of implementing international conventions to facilitate Pakistan's reapplication for GSP+ status. His discussions with various stakeholders, including religious leaders and civil society organizations, aimed to foster respect for diverse beliefs and promote dialogue on religious freedoms.

In Lahore, the ambassador met with Punjab Minister for Minorities Affairs Sardar Ramesh Singh Arora and Inspector General of Police Dr. Usman Anwar, further highlighting the EU's commitment to supporting Pakistan in enhancing cooperation on these critical issues.

The visit of the EU diplomat serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges related to religious freedoms in Pakistan. The lack of engagement from key officials raises questions about the country’s commitment to addressing these issues. As Pakistan approaches its GSP+ review, it is crucial for the government to demonstrate a genuine commitment to upholding human rights and fostering an environment where all beliefs are respected. The future of Pakistan's economic ties with Europe may very well depend on how these matters are handled in the coming years.

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