JUI-F lawmaker proposes bill to restrict dual citizenship in civil service

Web DeskMay 24, 2024 09:11 PMpolitics
  • Bill aims to prevent government officers with dual citizenship from escaping accountability
  • Proposed amendment prohibits individuals with dual nationality from civil service positions
  • Legislative move emphasizes the importance of national loyalty and accountability in government roles
JUI-F lawmaker proposes bill to restrict dual citizenship in civil serviceImage Credits: nation_pk
A bill introduced in the National Assembly seeks to restrict government officers with dual citizenship from holding civil service positions to ensure national loyalty and accountability. The proposed amendment emphasizes the importance of unwavering allegiance to the country in authoritative roles.

A bill introduced in the National Assembly aims to tackle the issue of government officers holding dual citizenship. The 'Civil Servants (Amendment) Bill, 2024' seeks to prevent these officers from escaping accountability by retiring to foreign countries. Proposed by a lawmaker from Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F), the bill calls for modifications to the Civil Servants Act, 1973.

The amendment specifically prohibits individuals with dual nationality or foreign citizenship from being appointed to civil service positions. The lawmaker stresses the importance of government servants having a strong bond with the country they serve, highlighting the necessity of loyalty as per the Constitution.

This initiative follows a previous endeavor by the lawmaker to propose a constitutional amendment barring dual nationals from becoming judges in the higher judiciary. The goal is to ensure that those in authoritative roles exhibit unwavering allegiance to the nation.

The proposed amendment to the Civil Servants Act reflects a concerted effort to reinforce national loyalty and accountability among government officials. By restricting dual citizenship holders from civil service appointments, the bill aims to uphold the principles of allegiance and service to the country. This legislative move underscores the significance of maintaining a singular connection to one's nation while serving in positions of public trust.

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