PPP Swabi District Firmly Opposes PTI's Tobacco Tax

Web DeskJune 9, 2024 01:46 AMpolitics
  • PPP Swabi rejects excise tax on tobacco imposed by PTI government
  • Party members pledge active resistance and demand revenue allocation for education
  • Solidarity expressed with impacted farmers, emphasizing commitment to community welfare
PPP Swabi District Firmly Opposes PTI's Tobacco TaxImage Credits: Wikipedia
The Pakistan People's Party in Swabi District strongly opposes the PTI government's excise tax on tobacco, pledging active resistance and demanding revenue allocation for education. Expressing solidarity with affected farmers, the party emphasizes its commitment to community welfare and advocacy for local concerns.

The Pakistan People's Party (PPP) in Swabi District has taken a firm stand against the recent decision by the PTI provincial government to impose an excise tax on tobacco. In a recent emergency meeting led by Ali Khan, the district president of PPP Swabi, party members unanimously rejected the imposition of this tax and pledged to actively resist it.

Key members of the party, along with officials from various tehsils in Swabi, gathered to condemn the provincial government's move. They reiterated their strong opposition to the excise tax on tobacco and affirmed their dedication to challenging this unfair tax through all available means.

During the meeting, a resolution was passed to contest the implementation of the excise tax and to demand that the revenue generated from this tax be allocated for educational purposes in Swabi. The party members emphasized that the residents of Swabi are unwilling to accept this decision and are prepared to stand against it.

The Pakistan People's Party in Swabi expressed solidarity with the farmers impacted by this tax and outrightly dismissed any measures that are detrimental to the people's interests. The party's resolute stance against the excise tax on tobacco underscores its commitment to advocating for the rights and well-being of Swabi's residents.

The opposition by the Pakistan People's Party in Swabi District to the excise tax on tobacco highlights the party's unwavering dedication to representing the concerns of the local community. By standing up against this tax, the party is demonstrating its commitment to safeguarding the interests of the people of Swabi and ensuring that decisions made by the government align with the welfare of the residents.

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