Father Thelekkadan and Dar Mariam Mission's Resilience Amid Sudan Conflict

Web DeskJuly 4, 2024 02:05 AMworld
  • Father Thelekkadan and nuns choose to stay with trapped families
  • Residents at Dar Mariam face severe hunger and constant threats
  • Mission staff display courage and unity in the midst of chaos
Father Thelekkadan and Dar Mariam Mission's Resilience Amid Sudan ConflictImage Credits: arabnewspk
Father Thelekkadan and the residents of Dar Mariam Mission in Sudan show remarkable resilience and unity in the face of conflict, embodying courage and hope amidst adversity.

In the midst of the ongoing conflict between Sudan's army and the Rapid Support Forces, Father Jacob Thelekkadan and a group of women and children find themselves trapped in Dar Mariam, a Catholic mission in Khartoum. The mission, already damaged by shelling and gunfire, is now running low on food supplies, leaving its inhabitants in a precarious situation.

Despite attempts by the Red Cross to rescue them, the mission's residents faced casualties, compelling them to remain in a dangerous environment. While the army has offered evacuation, Father Thelekkadan and the nuns have opted to stay with the families until a safer opportunity arises.

The conflict in Sudan has triggered a massive wave of displacement, with millions seeking refuge both within and outside the country. For those at Dar Mariam, the mission has become a sanctuary for those unable to escape, grappling with severe hunger and constant threats amidst the violence.

Most of the residents are Christian refugees from South Sudan and Ethiopia, enduring bombings and sniper attacks, with some finding shelter within the mission's structures. Despite the adversities, the community remains strong, drawing strength from their faith and holding onto hope for a secure evacuation.

The dedicated staff at the mission, led by Father Thelekkadan and the nuns, have been working tirelessly to safeguard the children and maintain a semblance of normalcy amid the chaos. As they await evacuation, they continue to confront the harsh realities of living in a war-torn area, displaying resilience and unity in their quest for survival and mutual support.

The situation at Dar Mariam mission underscores the harsh realities faced by many amidst the conflict in Sudan. Despite the challenges, the residents and staff exhibit remarkable courage and solidarity, embodying the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Their story serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of compassion, resilience, and hope in times of crisis.

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