Israeli Settlers' Attacks Escalate Violence in West Bank

Web DeskMay 7, 2024 07:06 AMworld
  • 603 attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank
  • 1,222 people expelled and 9 Palestinians killed by settlers
  • 917 Palestinian-owned structures demolished, displacing 1,015 Palestinians
Israeli Settlers' Attacks Escalate Violence in West BankImage Credits: arabnewspk
The escalating violence and human rights abuses by Israeli settlers in the West Bank require urgent international attention and intervention to protect vulnerable Palestinian communities.

Since the conflict in Gaza began on October 7, Israeli settlers have carried out 603 attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank, leading to a disturbing escalation of violence and human rights violations in the region. The situation has worsened with 1,222 people from 19 herding communities being expelled by Israeli settlers, and at least nine Palestinians killed by armed settlers, while 396 others lost their lives at the hands of Israeli security forces.

Israeli forces have intensified raids in the West Bank, resulting in casualties, as reported by the UN Human Rights Office, which highlighted a 'drastic acceleration' of discrimination, oppression, and violence against Palestinians. The demolition of 917 Palestinian-owned structures since October 7 has displaced 1,015 Palestinians, further exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the region.

The expansion of settler colonial enterprise in the West Bank, alongside the conflict in Gaza, has raised concerns about the impunity granted to Jewish settlers by Israeli authorities, leading to increased violence. Israeli security forces distributing about 8,000 weapons to settler defense squads has only added to the tensions, as highlighted by Israeli NGO Yesh Din's findings that the law enforcement system fails to protect Palestinians from settler violence.

With 93.7% of police investigations into settler offenses against Palestinians being closed without an indictment in the past 20 years, Palestinians in the West Bank's rural areas remain vulnerable to expulsion from their lands by Jewish settlers, painting a grim picture of the ongoing crisis.

In conclusion, the escalating violence and human rights abuses against Palestinians in the West Bank demand immediate international attention and intervention to ensure the protection of vulnerable communities and uphold justice in the region.

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