Senior Pakistani diplomat addresses UN Security Council on Afghanistan issues

Web DeskJune 23, 2024 04:42 AMworld
  • Calls for international community to prioritize eradicating terrorism in Afghanistan
  • Emphasizes support for Afghan interim government in promoting economic stability
  • Stresses need for sustained efforts to address complex challenges facing Afghanistan
Senior Pakistani diplomat addresses UN Security Council on Afghanistan issuesImage Credits: tribune_pk
A senior Pakistani diplomat addresses the UN Security Council, highlighting challenges posed by cross-border terrorism from Afghanistan. Emphasizes support for Afghan stability and women's rights, calling for sustained international efforts.

A senior Pakistani diplomat recently addressed the UN Security Council, highlighting the ongoing challenges posed by cross-border terrorist attacks originating from Afghanistan. The diplomat expressed serious concerns over the failure of the Taliban government to effectively combat the banned TTP group, leading to numerous civilian and military casualties, including a recent incident involving Chinese engineers.

The diplomat urged the international community, Afghanistan's neighbors, and the Afghan government to prioritize efforts to eradicate terrorism within and emanating from Afghanistan. Specifically, he called on the Security Council to compel the Taliban to sever ties with the TTP, prevent cross-border attacks, disarm TTP militants, and hand over their leadership to Pakistan.

In addition to addressing security issues, the diplomat emphasized the importance of supporting the Afghan interim government in promoting economic stability, reviving the banking system, and restoring commercial activities to assist the Afghan population. He also highlighted concerns about the Taliban's restrictions on women and girls, advocating for the protection of their rights to education, work, and other human rights.

Highlighting Pakistan's commitment to peace and development in Afghanistan, the diplomat underscored the shared history, culture, and faith between the two nations. He pledged continued efforts at various levels to achieve these common objectives, including collaboration with the UN.

Separately, the UN Special Representative for Afghanistan noted an upcoming meeting in Doha involving key stakeholders, including the Taliban. While acknowledging the importance of engagement, she cautioned against expecting immediate normalization or legitimization. She stressed the need for sustained efforts to address the complex challenges facing Afghanistan, such as poverty and gender restrictions.

The discussions at the UN Security Council shed light on the pressing issues surrounding terrorism, security, and development in Afghanistan. The calls for action and collaboration underscore the shared responsibility of the international community in supporting Afghanistan's stability and progress, while also emphasizing the need for sustained efforts and long-term solutions to address the multifaceted challenges facing the country.

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