UNICEF confirms Israel restores power to Gaza desalination plant

Web DeskJune 28, 2024 09:48 AMworld
  • Desalination plant in Gaza to provide water for 1 million displaced individuals
  • Israel's agreement to restore power crucial for alleviating water scarcity in Gaza
  • Significant progress made in addressing Gaza's pressing water crisis
UNICEF confirms Israel restores power to Gaza desalination plantImage Credits: arabnewspk
Israel's decision to restore power to a vital desalination plant in Gaza, with the capacity to provide water for 1 million displaced individuals, marks a significant step towards addressing the region's severe water scarcity.

Israel has agreed to restore power to a crucial desalination plant in southern Gaza, a move that could alleviate the severe water scarcity affecting the region. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has confirmed that this plant has the capacity to provide much-needed water to approximately one million displaced individuals in Gaza.

For the past nine months, Gaza, home to 2.4 million residents, has been grappling with a water crisis due to the destruction and damage of over two-thirds of its sanitation and water facilities. The blockade imposed by Israel has further exacerbated the situation, allowing only limited supplies of bottled water to enter the territory.

Once the desalination plant in Khan Yunis receives electricity, it is projected to produce sufficient water to meet the daily drinking water requirement of 15 liters per person for nearly a million displaced people in southern Gaza. This development signifies a significant stride towards addressing the pressing water crisis in the region.

With the capacity to generate 15 million liters of water per day at full operation, the plant urgently needs generators and infrastructure repairs to rectify the extensive damage inflicted during the conflict. Since October, more than 60% of Gaza's water distribution systems have been impacted.

Following an attack by Hamas on southern Israel last October, Israel enforced a complete siege on Gaza, severing electricity, water, and gas supplies. This blockade has notably exacerbated the humanitarian situation in the region, as highlighted by various aid organizations.

The conflict in Gaza has resulted in a significant number of casualties, predominantly affecting civilians. Both sides have reported substantial civilian losses, underscoring the devastating toll of the ongoing conflict on the population.

The restoration of the desalination plant in Gaza offers a glimmer of hope amidst the dire water crisis plaguing the region. By providing essential water supply to the displaced population, this development marks a crucial step towards mitigating the humanitarian challenges faced by the residents of Gaza. It is imperative for all parties involved to prioritize the restoration of infrastructure and ensure sustained access to clean water for the well-being of the affected communities.

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