Kazakhstan delists IEA, boosting economic ties with Afghanistan

Web DeskJune 5, 2024 04:40 AMworld
  • Kazakhstan removes IEA from banned list, enhancing economic cooperation
  • President Tokayev prioritizes economic partnerships with stable Afghan regime
  • Delisting IEA opens up trade opportunities, promising brighter future
Kazakhstan delists IEA, boosting economic ties with AfghanistanImage Credits: thefrontierpost
The removal of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from Kazakhstan's banned list signifies a new era of economic collaboration and mutual cooperation between the two nations.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) has recently been removed from Kazakhstan's list of banned organizations, marking a significant milestone in the relationship between the two nations. This decision, praised by the IEA's spokesperson Abdul Qahar Balkhi, is viewed as a positive step towards enhancing mutual understanding and cooperation.

Kazakhstan, a key trade and transit partner for Afghanistan in the region, holds strategic importance in fostering economic ties. President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev's announcement to delist the IEA from Kazakhstan's terrorist list underscores the country's commitment to strengthening economic partnerships with Afghanistan.

Enhancing Economic Partnerships

President Tokayev, in a meeting with parliament speakers from CSTO countries, highlighted the significance of bolstering trade and economic relations with Afghanistan. Recognizing the stability of the current Afghan regime, Kazakhstan's decision to remove the Taliban (IEA) from its list of banned organizations signifies a shift towards prioritizing economic collaboration.

Future Prospects

This development is expected to pave the way for increased economic cooperation between Kazakhstan and Afghanistan, benefiting both nations. The delisting of the IEA opens up opportunities for trade and investment, fostering a positive outlook for bilateral relations.


The removal of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from Kazakhstan's list of banned organizations signals a new chapter in their relationship, emphasizing the importance of economic partnerships and mutual cooperation. This decision sets the stage for enhanced trade opportunities and economic growth, promising a brighter future for both countries.

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