K-Electric Seeks Approval for Fuel Cost Adjustment Increase

Web DeskApril 29, 2024 06:30 PMbusiness
  • K-Electric requests Nepra approval for Rs18.86 per unit FCA increase.
  • Proposed FCA adjustments aim to reflect actual cost of electricity generation.
  • Consumers in Karachi may face higher electricity bills if Nepra approves.
K-Electric Seeks Approval for Fuel Cost Adjustment IncreaseImage Credits: thenews.com.pk
K-Electric in Karachi seeks Nepra approval for Rs18.86 per unit FCA increase to align electricity costs with fuel price fluctuations.

K-Electric, the primary power distribution company in Karachi, has submitted a request to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) for approval to impose an additional fuel cost adjustment (FCA) of Rs18.86 per unit on consumers for the past seven months. The company's application includes a proposal for a Rs18.86 per unit increase in the FCA for the previous seven months, along with a suggested decrease of Re0.29 per unit for the remaining two months of the period.

This move by K-Electric comes as a response to the fluctuating fuel prices and their impact on the cost of electricity generation. The FCA is a mechanism used by power distribution companies to pass on changes in fuel prices to consumers, ensuring that the actual cost of generating electricity is reflected in consumer bills.

Consumers in Karachi may experience an increase in their electricity bills if Nepra approves K-Electric's request for the additional FCA. The proposed adjustments aim to align the cost of electricity with the expenses incurred by the company in procuring fuel for power generation.

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