Yulin Yinfeng TCM Expo Showcases Health Innovations

Web DeskJune 18, 2024 04:31 PMbusiness
  • Yulin promotes TCM through annual expo featuring new investment programs
  • City hosts third largest TCM trading market in China
  • Expo highlights TCM culture, medical products, and networking opportunities
Yulin Yinfeng TCM Expo Showcases Health InnovationsImage Credits: en_prnasisa
Yulin, China, showcases its commitment to TCM through an annual expo promoting health innovations and cultural heritage.

Yulin, a city in southern China, is making strides in developing its local big health industry through the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The 14th China (Yulin) Traditional Chinese Medicine Expo, held in the city known as the 'TCM capital in southern China,' kicked off on June 10. This year's expo coincided with the Dragon Boat Festival, showcasing the vibrant TCM culture and unveiling 12 new investment programs in medical equipment, food processing, cultural tourism, and TCM plantations.

Local officials at the TCM expo's opening ceremony underscored the importance of the big health industry in Yulin. The city hosts the third largest TCM trading market in China, with annual transactions surpassing 12 billion yuan. The expo featured displays of local medical products, TCM plantation technologies, cultural forums, creative fairs, fashion shows inspired by the Compendium of Materia Medica, and demonstrations of Chinese acupuncture and massage techniques.

Chen Yang, the president of Yulin Yinfeng TCM Harbor Investment and Development Co., Ltd., highlighted the allure of TCM and the networking opportunities available at such events. Luo Xirong, deputy director of the health commission in Yulin City, encouraged visitors to explore the TCM expo and the 2024 Yulin Dragon Boat Festival Cultural Carnival. Additionally, visitors could delve into the Dragon Boat Festival-related herbal culture and intangible cultural heritage marketplace to fully immerse themselves in the TCM culture post the dragon boat races.

The 14th China (Yulin) Traditional Chinese Medicine Expo not only celebrates the rich heritage of TCM but also serves as a platform for fostering innovation, collaboration, and investment in the big health industry. Yulin's commitment to promoting TCM culture and facilitating business opportunities underscores the city's position as a key player in advancing traditional Chinese medicine practices.

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