DPO Khanewal Kharak Leads Open Court Sessions for Community Engagement

Web DeskMay 25, 2024 12:42 PMnational
  • DPO Kharak resolves citizen complaints promptly
  • Open court sessions bridge gap between police and community
  • Initiative promotes transparency, trust, and collaboration in law enforcement
DPO Khanewal Kharak Leads Open Court Sessions for Community EngagementImage Credits: X.com
DPO Khanewal Ismailur Rehman Kharak organizes open court sessions to address citizen complaints, promote transparency, and foster collaboration between police and community for a safer society.

Recently, DPO Khanewal Ismailur Rehman Kharak organized an open court session at Jamia Masjid Islamia High School to listen to and resolve complaints from residents across Khanewal district. This initiative aligns with the open door policy set by Inspector General of Police Punjab, Dr. Usman Anwar, to ensure transparency and accountability within the police force.

During the session, citizens had the opportunity to voice their grievances, ranging from public safety concerns to issues of corruption. DPO Kharak promptly took action on the complaints, emphasizing the importance of citizen engagement in improving policing standards and delivering justice to all.

Under the vision of IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar, these open court sessions aim to bridge the gap between law enforcement and the community. By establishing modern police stations and service centers, the police department is committed to creating a safer and more cooperative environment for all residents.

Furthermore, the open court serves as a platform not only for addressing complaints but also for promoting collaboration between citizens and the police in tackling social issues like drug trafficking and other illegal activities. DPO Kharak reiterated a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption within the police force, urging citizens to report any misconduct for immediate disciplinary action.

By actively listening to citizens' concerns and ensuring swift resolutions, DPO Khanewal is fostering transparency and trust within the community. These open court sessions play a vital role in promoting a peaceful society and encouraging active participation in maintaining law and order.

The efforts of DPO Khanewal Ismailur Rehman Kharak in conducting open court sessions exemplify a commitment to serving the community and upholding the principles of justice and accountability. Through these initiatives, the police department is not only addressing immediate concerns but also building long-term relationships with the public, fostering a safer and more harmonious society for all.

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