Balochistan Violence Engineered to Disrupt SCO Summit: Naqvi

Web DeskAugust 31, 2024 09:22 AMpolitics
  • Balochistan violence linked to SCO summit disruption.
  • Interior Minister Naqvi highlights terrorist collaboration.
  • Government allocates Rs8 billion for Balochistan security.
Balochistan Violence Engineered to Disrupt SCO Summit: NaqviImage Credits: pakistantoday
Interior Minister Naqvi claims recent Balochistan violence aims to disrupt the SCO summit, highlighting terrorist links and government funding for security.

In recent weeks, Balochistan has witnessed a troubling surge in violence, raising concerns about the security situation in the region. Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi has pointed out that this escalation is not merely a random occurrence but rather an orchestrated effort aimed at disrupting the upcoming Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit, which Pakistan is set to host in October. This summit is significant as it brings together leaders from various countries, including an invitation extended to India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, despite ongoing tensions between the two nations.

During a session in the Senate, Naqvi stated, "We have identified clear links showing that they [terrorists] planned to ruin the SCO conference." He emphasized that the recent attacks were part of a conspiracy against the summit, indicating that multiple terrorist organizations collaborated to execute these violent acts. The interior minister highlighted that the incident on the night of August 26 was not spontaneous but involved meticulous planning.

As the situation unfolded, militants from the banned Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) launched a series of attacks across the province, resulting in the tragic loss of at least 50 lives, including 14 security personnel. Naqvi clarified that there is currently no military operation underway, countering claims made by other senators. He also mentioned that Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif had engaged in detailed discussions with local political stakeholders to address the concerns surrounding the security situation.

In a bid to tackle the challenges in Balochistan, the government has allocated Rs8 billion for the province, with Rs1 billion designated for each of the eight divisions. An additional Rs5 billion has been earmarked for the Counterterrorism Department (CTD). Naqvi explained that these funds would be utilized to resolve minor issues with the assistance of local representatives. He acknowledged that one of the primary challenges in Balochistan is the shortage of government officers, who serve as federal representatives in the region.

In light of the recent violence, Naqvi expressed his commitment to supporting the Balochistan government in its fight against terrorism. He noted that more than a dozen decisions were made during his visits to the province, aimed at improving the security landscape. The attacks have not only caused loss of life but have also instilled fear among the local population, prompting a strong response from security forces, who neutralized 21 militants in retaliation.

As the nation prepares for the SCO summit, the need for unity and clarity against those who oppose the state has never been more critical. The government’s proactive measures and financial commitments signal a determination to restore peace and stability in Balochistan. However, the path ahead remains fraught with challenges, and it is essential for all stakeholders to work collaboratively to ensure that the upcoming summit proceeds without further incidents. The situation in Balochistan serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle against terrorism and the importance of maintaining security for the prosperity of the region and the nation as a whole.

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