Foreign Office Unaware of Ambassadors' Visit to Swat Valley

Web DeskSeptember 27, 2024 04:04 PMpolitics
  • Foreign Office claims ignorance of ambassadors' visit.
  • Terrorist attack raises security concerns for diplomats.
  • Pakistan committed to improving safety protocols.
Foreign Office Unaware of Ambassadors' Visit to Swat ValleyImage Credits: brecorder
Foreign Office of Pakistan claims unawareness of ambassadors' visit to Swat Valley amid security concerns following a terrorist attack.

In a recent turn of events, the Foreign Office of Pakistan has made a startling announcement regarding the visit of foreign ambassadors to the picturesque Swat Valley. This visit, which took place on September 23, was marred by a tragic terrorist attack that left one policeman martyred while the diplomats narrowly escaped unharmed. The incident has raised serious questions about the security protocols in place for such high-profile visits.

According to Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, the ministry was "unaware" of the ambassadors' trip, which was organized by the Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI). Baloch emphasized that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was not involved in the planning of this visit, stating, "This was a trip which was organised by ICCI and not by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or any government institution." This revelation has sparked concerns about the communication lapses that allowed such a significant event to occur without proper oversight.

In her statement, Baloch condemned the terrorist attack and assured that security agencies are actively investigating the matter. She acknowledged the serious lapses that occurred, particularly the failure to inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the visit. "We’ve taken serious note of the lapses which were made by the concerned individuals," she remarked, indicating that the ministry is now working on developing guidelines to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Furthermore, Deputy Prime Minister Ishaq Dar has met with the ambassadors involved, assuring them that Pakistan is committed to fully investigating the incident and ensuring their safety. Baloch reiterated that there are established procedures for the travel of diplomats to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, stating, "We’ve undertaken internal investigation, and have come to the conclusion that as far as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is concerned, all protocols were followed." This statement aims to reassure both the diplomats and the public that the ministry is taking the matter seriously.

However, the spokesperson pointed out that the details of the ICCI-organized event were not communicated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This lack of information about the gathering of multiple ambassadors for a single event raises significant concerns about coordination between various governmental bodies. Baloch stated, "We are in the process of discussions and internal deliberations on how to rectify what has happened and how to fix this for the future." This indicates a proactive approach to addressing the shortcomings in communication and security.

Despite the unfortunate incident, Baloch reassured that Pakistan remains committed to providing full security to all diplomats within its borders. She encouraged foreign diplomats to explore the beauty of Pakistan while adhering to the guidelines provided for their safety. "We’re committed to making their stay in Pakistan as comfortable and as secure as possible," she added, highlighting the importance of fostering positive relations with the international community.

The recent events in Swat Valley serve as a stark reminder of the complexities involved in diplomatic visits, especially in regions with security concerns. The Foreign Office's acknowledgment of the lapses and its commitment to improving protocols is a step in the right direction. As Pakistan continues to navigate its role on the global stage, ensuring the safety of foreign diplomats will be crucial in building trust and fostering international relations.

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