Pakistan's Nuclear Strategy in Response to India's Military Advancements

Web DeskApril 19, 2024 12:14 PMpolitics
  • India bolstering military capabilities to deter China and Pakistan
  • Pakistan focusing on nuclear deterrence due to economic challenges
  • Pakistan seeking partnerships for military technologies to counter India
Pakistan's Nuclear Strategy in Response to India's Military AdvancementsImage Credits: Modern Diplomacy
India's military advancements prompt Pakistan to focus on nuclear deterrence and seek military partnerships to counter growing military disparity.

India's robust economy is enabling the government to bolster its military capabilities, aiming to deter China and Pakistan and assert its position in the Indo-Pacific region. With support from Western allies, India is rapidly acquiring advanced weapon systems and military technologies, signaling a significant enhancement in its military prowess.

On the contrary, Pakistan's struggling economy poses challenges for its Armed Forces to match India's military advancements. Faced with resource constraints, Pakistan is focusing on maintaining a strategic balance through its nuclear capabilities, considering them as a primary instrument for deterrence.

The escalating arms race between India and Pakistan underscores the importance of Pakistan's nuclear strategy in ensuring its security and sovereignty. As the conventional forces gap widens, Pakistan's reliance on its nuclear assets becomes more pronounced, emphasizing the need for a robust nuclear triad and second-strike capability.

To mitigate the military disadvantage, Pakistan is exploring partnerships with countries like China and Turkey for military technologies. Additionally, efforts are underway to enhance the quality of manpower in the Armed Forces, with a focus on science education for future inductions.

In response to evolving threats, Pakistan is adapting its defense strategies to safeguard its territorial integrity and independence. The imperative for Pakistan lies in maintaining a full spectrum deterrence capability and leveraging its nuclear assets as 'Equalisers' to counter the growing military disparity with India.

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