PTI Legislators Protest ECP, Demand Electoral Transparency

Web DeskJune 23, 2024 07:22 AMpolitics
  • Omar Ayub leads PTI protest against Election Commission of Pakistan
  • PTI demands Chief Election Commissioner's resignation for fair elections
  • Suspension of MNA Sanaullah Mastikhel criticized by PTI leaders
PTI Legislators Protest ECP, Demand Electoral TransparencyImage Credits: thenews
Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly, Omar Ayub, led a protest by PTI legislators against the Election Commission of Pakistan, demanding fair and transparent elections and the reinstatement of suspended members. The protest highlights ongoing tensions in the country's electoral processes.

Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly, Omar Ayub, spearheaded a protest march by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) legislators to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to voice their grievances regarding alleged injustices against the party. The protest was met with resistance from security personnel who prevented the demonstrators from reaching the ECP building.

Omar Ayub strongly criticized the ECP for its perceived failure in ensuring fair and transparent elections. He called for the resignation of the Chief Election Commissioner and other members, citing concerns over the electoral process. PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan echoed these sentiments, expressing worries about the treatment of opposition members and demanding the release of PTI founder.

PTI leaders emphasized the suspension of MNA Sanaullah Mastikhel as unjust and urged for his reinstatement ahead of the upcoming budget session. Opposition member Sheikh Waqas Akram condemned the suspension, highlighting that it deprived a significant number of people of their representation during a critical legislative session.

The protest led by PTI legislators against the Election Commission of Pakistan underscores the ongoing tensions surrounding electoral processes in the country. The demands for transparency and fairness in elections, as well as the reinstatement of suspended members, reflect the party's commitment to upholding democratic principles. The outcome of these protests and the response from the ECP will likely shape the political landscape in the coming days.

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