Trump Leads Biden by Four Points in 2024 Poll

Web DeskJune 28, 2024 09:10 AMpolitics
  • Trump ahead of Biden by 4 points in recent poll
  • Majority of voters believe Trump will perform well in upcoming debate
  • Economy and immigration key concerns influencing voters' decisions
Trump Leads Biden by Four Points in 2024 PollImage Credits: Politico
Recent poll shows Trump leading Biden by 4 points, with voters concerned about economy and immigration. Majority expect Trump to perform well in upcoming debate.

Former US President Donald Trump, a Republican, is currently leading President Joe Biden, a Democrat, by four points in a recent poll conducted in preparation for their upcoming debate for the 2024 presidential elections. The poll, conducted by the New York Times/Siena College, shows that Trump, aged 78, has secured 48% support from likely voters, while Biden, aged 81, trails with 44% support. This marks Trump's largest lead in national polls for this election cycle.

In the previous survey held in April, Trump had only a one-point advantage over Biden among likely voters. The latest poll also reveals that a majority of voters believe Trump will perform well in the upcoming debate.

Among registered voters, Trump is ahead by six points over Biden, with 48% to 42% support. Even when considering third-party candidates, Trump maintains a lead with 40% support compared to Biden's 37%. Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., aged 70, has garnered 7% support among likely voters.

Despite Trump's significant lead in this poll, the average of national polls until Wednesday indicated a much closer race, with Trump ahead by just one point at 46% to 45%. The poll also highlights concerns among voters regarding Biden's age, with 70% considering him too old to be effective, including a majority of his own supporters.

When voters were asked about the top issues influencing their voting decisions, the economy (23%) and immigration (17%) emerged as key concerns. A majority of 50% believe Trump would better address these issues, while only 40% feel Biden is better suited for the job.

The first of two scheduled debates between the two candidates is set for Thursday night. A significant 77% of likely voters plan to watch the debate, with 59% expecting Trump to perform well and 48% expressing confidence in Biden's performance.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, the latest poll results indicate a lead for Donald Trump over Joe Biden. With the economy and immigration being key concerns for voters, Trump is perceived as the candidate better equipped to address these issues. The upcoming debate between the two candidates is highly anticipated, with a majority of likely voters planning to tune in to assess the performances of both Trump and Biden.

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