Supreme Court to Hear Sunni Ittehad Council's Challenge

Web DeskJune 23, 2024 06:18 AMpolitics
  • Election Commission defends decision to withhold reserved seats for women and non-Muslims
  • PHC ruling supported denial of reserved seats to the SIC
  • Legal battle between SIC and Election Commission continues in Supreme Court
Supreme Court to Hear Sunni Ittehad Council's ChallengeImage Credits:
The Supreme Court is set to hear the Sunni Ittehad Council's challenge against the Election Commission's decision to withhold reserved seats for women and non-Muslims. The legal battle continues as the PHC ruling is contested in the apex court.

The Supreme Court is scheduled to resume the hearing of the Sunni Ittehad Council's challenge against the Peshawar High Court's recent verdict on Monday. The Election Commission of Pakistan has come forward to defend its decision to withhold reserved seats for women and non-Muslims from the party. The commission has justified its stance by citing the PHC's ruling, which supported the denial of these reserved seats to the SIC.

The Sunni Ittehad Council, a political party in Pakistan, had petitioned the Supreme Court to review the decision made by the Peshawar High Court. The PHC had upheld the Election Commission's decision to not allocate reserved seats for women and non-Muslims to the SIC, prompting the party to challenge this ruling in the apex court.

As the legal battle continues between the Sunni Ittehad Council and the Election Commission of Pakistan, the Supreme Court's upcoming hearing will be crucial in determining the fate of the reserved seats issue. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.

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