Supreme Islamic Council clarifies non-participation in elections

Web DeskJune 27, 2024 10:36 PMpolitics
  • SIC did not submit candidate lists for reserved seats
  • SIC requests intervention in case from highest court
  • SIC upholds transparency and accountability in electoral process
Supreme Islamic Council clarifies non-participation in electionsImage Credits:
The Supreme Islamic Council clarifies its non-participation in the recent general elections and seeks legal intervention to address accusations, emphasizing transparency and accountability.

The Supreme Islamic Council (SIC) recently made a statement clarifying its stance on the general elections. The SIC emphasized that it did not take part in the elections as a political entity. Furthermore, the council confirmed that it did not submit any candidate lists for reserved seats for women and non-Muslims, as mandated by Section 104 of the Election Act, 2017. In response to allegations from the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) during the appeals hearing, the SIC has requested permission from the country's highest court to intervene in the case.

The Supreme Islamic Council is a prominent religious organization in the country that plays a significant role in advocating for Islamic principles and values. While the SIC has a strong influence in religious matters, it has maintained a stance of non-involvement in political activities, including the recent general elections. The Election Act, 2017, requires all eligible entities to submit candidate lists for reserved seats, a requirement that the SIC did not fulfill.

The Supreme Islamic Council's clarification sheds light on its non-participation in the recent general elections and its adherence to its non-political stance. By seeking legal recourse to address the accusations leveled against it, the SIC aims to uphold transparency and accountability in the electoral process. This development underscores the importance of clarity and compliance with electoral laws for all organizations, regardless of their religious or social standing.

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