Karachi PDMA Warns of Impending Monsoon Deluge

Web DeskJune 23, 2024 07:12 PMweather
  • PDMA predicts up to 100% increase in rainfall for Karachi.
  • 500 drains blocked, raising concerns of severe flooding.
  • Residents urge swift action to clear drains before monsoon season.
Karachi PDMA Warns of Impending Monsoon DelugeImage Credits: thefridaytimes
Karachi faces a critical situation as PDMA warns of exceptionally high rainfall in the upcoming monsoon season. Urgent action needed to clear blocked drains and prevent severe flooding.

Residents of Karachi are facing a critical situation as the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) has issued a warning about an upcoming monsoon season with exceptionally high levels of rainfall. The PDMA has predicted that the rainfall in July and August could surpass the average levels by up to 100%. This forecast has raised concerns about the city's drainage system, which may struggle to cope with the excess water, potentially leading to severe flooding.

Commissioner Naqvi has stressed the importance of being prepared for the anticipated heavy rains and has instructed all relevant institutions to take necessary precautions. However, a significant challenge lies in the current state of Karachi's drainage infrastructure, with around 500 drains blocked by debris. The PDMA has highlighted the looming threat of extensive damage, especially in low-lying areas that are at high risk of catastrophic flooding.

Local residents in Karachi have echoed these concerns, emphasizing the urgent need to clear the drains before the rainy season begins. They have warned that a failure to address this issue promptly could result in widespread flooding in vulnerable areas. The PDMA has underscored the immediate requirement for swift and effective action to clean the drains and ensure unobstructed water flow. Without these preparations, the increased rainfall poses a significant risk of disaster for Karachi's at-risk regions.

As Karachi gears up for a potentially challenging monsoon season, it is crucial for residents and authorities to work together to mitigate the risks posed by the forecasted heavy rains. By prioritizing the clearing of blocked drains and enhancing the city's drainage infrastructure, Karachi can better prepare itself to withstand the upcoming deluge. Timely action and cooperation are key to safeguarding lives and properties in the face of nature's fury.

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