Columbia University protests spark clashes over Gaza war opposition

Web DeskApril 26, 2024 10:30 AMworld
  • Fresh clashes between police and students at US universities over Gaza protests
  • Over 530 arrests made in connection with Gaza protests at major US universities
  • Protesters demand universities divest from companies supporting Israeli military actions
Columbia University protests spark clashes over Gaza war oppositionImage Credits: ABC News - The Walt Disney Company
Recent clashes between police and students at US universities over Gaza protests spark concerns about force use. Demands include divestment and amnesty for suspended students.

Fresh clashes between police and students opposing Israel's war in Gaza have erupted at several US universities, raising concerns about the use of force to quell protests. The tensions escalated following mass arrests at Columbia University last week, with law enforcement resorting to Tasers and tear gas to disperse protesters at Emory University in Atlanta and the University of Texas in Austin.

At the heart of the protests is Columbia University, where a standoff continues between students and the administration over the removal of a tent encampment set up in protest against the Israeli offensive. The administration has set a deadline for students to reach an agreement by Friday.

Across major US universities, over 530 arrests have been made in the past week in connection with Gaza protests, with authorities citing unauthorized demonstrations as the reason for police intervention. Instances of police using force, including tear gas and stun guns, have been reported at various campuses.

While some have criticized the arrests as a violation of free speech rights, others have accused university administrators of allowing harassment of Jewish students. The Education Secretary has expressed concern over reports of antisemitism, prompting activist groups to deny any antisemitic motives behind the protests.

Protesters are calling for universities to divest from companies supporting Israeli military actions in Gaza and demanding amnesty for suspended students. The demonstrations aim to pressure the US government to intervene in Israeli strikes on civilians in Gaza, which have resulted in numerous casualties.

The situation remains tense as protesters at Columbia face a looming deadline to dismantle their encampment, with both sides standing firm on their demands.

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