European Court of Human Rights Holds Switzerland Accountable for Climate Inaction

Web DeskApril 9, 2024 10:30 PMworld
  • Switzerland found in breach of European Convention on Human Rights
  • Dismissal of cases from Portugal and France due to technicalities
  • First instance of state accountability for climate inaction by ECHR
European Court of Human Rights Holds Switzerland Accountable for Climate InactionImage Credits: France 24
The European Court of Human Rights holds Switzerland accountable for insufficient action on climate change, setting a precedent in environmental human rights law.

The European Court of Human Rights made a landmark ruling on Tuesday, stating that Switzerland has not been taking sufficient measures to address climate change. This decision came after a Swiss association raised concerns about the lack of action by Swiss authorities in combating global warming. The court found that Switzerland had breached Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which safeguards the right to privacy and family life.

However, the court dismissed two other cases related to climate change policies. It rejected a petition from six Portuguese individuals, aged 12 to 24, against 32 countries, including Portugal, citing incomplete national-level remedies. Additionally, a claim by a former French mayor regarding the French government's inaction on climate change was also turned down, as the court deemed him not a direct victim due to his relocation to Brussels.

This ruling marks the first time the European Court of Human Rights has held a state accountable for insufficient action on climate change. It underscores the growing importance of environmental issues in the realm of human rights and sets a precedent for future legal challenges in this area.

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