Pakistan's Foreign Office Criticizes USCIRF Report

Web DeskMay 9, 2024 09:40 PMworld
  • Baloch refutes USCIRF findings as flawed and unreflective
  • Calls for impartial approach to combat rising Islamophobia
  • Expresses concerns about terrorist threats from Afghanistan
Pakistan's Foreign Office Criticizes USCIRF ReportImage Credits: urdupoint
Pakistan's Foreign Office spokesperson criticizes USCIRF report, calls for impartial approach to combat rising Islamophobia, and expresses concerns about terrorist threats from Afghanistan.

In response to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom's report, Pakistan's Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch has strongly refuted the findings, labeling them as flawed and not reflective of the true situation in the country. Baloch criticized the USCIRF for relying on unverified accusations and condemned their practice of categorizing countries in a manner she deemed unwarranted and ineffective.

Highlighting the perceived inconsistency in the US State Department's actions, Baloch pointed out the absence of India being designated as a country of particular concern despite USCIRF's recommendations since 2020. She stressed the necessity for a more impartial and geopolitically neutral approach, emphasizing the need to combat the rising issue of Islamophobia.

Emphasizing the significance of fostering understanding and collaboration through dialogue rather than arbitrary designations, Baloch confirmed that Pakistan is not currently engaged in talks with India. She welcomed the Organization of Islamic Cooperation's firm stance on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute during its recent summit in the Gambia.

Reiterating Pakistan's steadfast support for the people of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir in their quest for self-determination as per UNSC resolutions, Baloch expressed concerns about terrorist threats originating from Afghanistan. She cited evidence linking the attack on Chinese engineers in Besham to terrorists based in Afghanistan.

Urging Afghan authorities to take decisive action against terrorist groups, including the TTP, operating from their territory, Baloch highlighted the need to address the security challenges faced by Pakistan.

Pakistan's response to the USCIRF report underscores the country's commitment to promoting dialogue, cooperation, and a fair assessment of religious freedom issues. By advocating for a more balanced and unbiased approach, Pakistan aims to address regional challenges effectively while standing firm in its support for the rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

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