UNHCR Launches Climate Resilience Fund for Refugees

Web DeskApril 25, 2024 10:32 AMworld
  • Fund aims to raise $100 million for climate protection
  • Initiative focuses on sustainable resources and climate-smart livelihoods
  • Projects prioritize community involvement and locally felt benefits
UNHCR Launches Climate Resilience Fund for RefugeesImage Credits: UNHCR
The United Nations launches a Climate Resilience Fund to protect refugees from climate change impacts. The fund aims to raise $100 million to support sustainable resources, climate-smart initiatives, and community involvement.

The United Nations has announced the launch of a new Climate Resilience Fund dedicated to enhancing protections for refugees and displaced communities facing threats from climate change. The UN refugee agency aims to raise $100 million for the fund by the end of next year to provide support to refugees, their host communities, and countries of origin severely impacted by climate emergencies.

Climate risks are closely linked to conflict and poverty, a reality experienced by many refugees. In 2022, over 70 percent of refugees and asylum seekers fled from countries highly vulnerable to climate change. UN refugee chief Filippo Grandi emphasized that the devastating impacts of climate change are exacerbating conflict, destroying livelihoods, and triggering displacement.

The new fund will focus on ensuring refugees are included in national and local climate-related initiatives. It will also work towards increasing access to environmentally sustainable resources in refugee camps and other displacement settings. This includes providing clean energy to power essential facilities like water sources, schools, and healthcare infrastructure. Additionally, the fund will support environmental restoration, construct climate-resilient shelters, and promote climate-smart livelihoods.

Projects supported by the fund will prioritize community involvement in design and implementation, with a focus on delivering locally felt benefits. By reducing exposure to climate-related hazards, ensuring access to sustainable resources, and fostering inclusion, these initiatives aim to enhance living conditions, safety, and well-being for refugees and their host communities.

The UNHCR, which safeguards over 114 million forcibly displaced individuals globally, is committed to addressing the intersection of climate change and refugee protection through this critical initiative.

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