Defence Minister Asif advises Imran Khan on political tensions

Web DeskMay 31, 2024 11:42 PMpolitics
  • Defence Minister urges Imran Khan to avoid provocative statements
  • Federal Investigation Agency to take action against Khan for tweet
  • PTI Chairman distances Khan from controversial social media post
Defence Minister Asif advises Imran Khan on political tensionsImage Credits: geo
Defence Minister Khawaja Asif advises Imran Khan to refrain from provocative statements, highlighting tensions over a controversial social media post. The Federal Investigation Agency plans action against Khan, while PTI Chairman distances him from the contentious tweet, emphasizing the need for responsible political communication.

Defence Minister Khawaja Asif has advised PTI founder Imran Khan to refrain from making provocative statements to ease political tensions in the country. Asif expressed concern over a controversial social media post on Khan's official account, referencing the Hamood ur Rahman Commission Report, which stirred controversy.

Asif criticized Khan for potentially inciting tensions similar to those witnessed on May 9 and accused him of exaggerating historical events related to East Pakistan. The minister emphasized that Khan's actions were leading to unnecessary friction and discord.

Moreover, Asif highlighted Khan's strained relationships with past supporters, including General Bajwa's father and General Faiz Hamid, noting Khan's lack of gratitude towards those who had aided him.

The Federal Investigation Agency's cybercrime team has decided to take action against Khan for the contentious tweet. Despite investigative efforts, Khan declined to cooperate and insisted on having his lawyers present during questioning.

On the contrary, PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar distanced Khan from the controversial post, asserting that Khan was unaware of the specific content uploaded to his account. Gohar defended the tweet, stating that it was misinterpreted and taken out of context.

The call for restraint from Defence Minister Khawaja Asif to Imran Khan underscores the importance of responsible communication in the political sphere. As tensions escalate, it is crucial for leaders to exercise caution in their statements to maintain harmony and avoid unnecessary conflicts. The ongoing developments between Asif, Khan, and the PTI leadership highlight the complexities of political discourse and the need for thoughtful engagement in public dialogue.

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