Pakistan Weather Alert: High Temperatures Expected in Multiple Regions

Web DeskJune 12, 2024 04:29 AMweather
  • Hot and dry conditions forecasted for most regions of Pakistan
  • Residents advised to stay hydrated and take necessary precautions
  • Protect oneself from the scorching sun to prevent heat-related illnesses
Pakistan Weather Alert: High Temperatures Expected in Multiple RegionsImage Credits:
The weather forecast for the next twelve hours in Pakistan predicts hot and dry conditions with high temperatures. Residents are advised to stay hydrated and take precautions to prevent heat-related illnesses.

The weather forecast for the next twelve hours indicates that most regions of Pakistan will experience hot and dry conditions. Central and southern areas are expected to face particularly high temperatures.

In detail, the temperature predictions are as follows:

  • Islamabad: 24°C
  • Peshawar: 24°C
  • Lahore: 31°C
  • Karachi: 30°C
  • Quetta: 20°C
  • Gilgit: 16°C
  • Murree: 20°C
  • Muzaffarabad: 22°C

Residents are advised to stay hydrated and take necessary precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses during this period of intense heat.

This weather update serves as a reminder for everyone to stay cool, drink plenty of water, and seek shade when outdoors. It is essential to protect oneself from the scorching sun to prevent heat exhaustion or heatstroke.

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