Pakistan Weather Forecast: Hot and Dry Conditions Expected

Web DeskJune 13, 2024 05:18 AMweather
  • Hot and dry weather in most parts of Pakistan
  • Possibility of thunderstorms in specific regions
  • Importance of staying hydrated and taking precautions
Pakistan Weather Forecast: Hot and Dry Conditions ExpectedImage Credits:
The weather forecast for the next twelve hours in Pakistan predicts hot and dry conditions in most parts of the country, with a possibility of thunderstorms in specific regions. It is crucial to stay hydrated and take necessary precautions to stay safe.

The weather forecast for the next twelve hours in Pakistan predicts hot and dry conditions in most parts of the country. Central and southern regions are expected to experience high temperatures, while other areas may see partly cloudy weather with wind and isolated thunderstorm-rain.

Hot and Dry Conditions

Most regions of Pakistan will have hot and dry weather over the next twelve hours. This means that temperatures will be high, and there will be little to no rainfall. It is important to stay hydrated and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun during this time.

Possibility of Thunderstorms

However, in Gilgit-Baltistan, Kashmir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Islamabad, and upper Punjab, there is a chance of partly cloudy weather with wind and isolated thunderstorm-rain. This means that there may be sudden rain showers accompanied by thunder and lightning in these areas.


It is essential to stay informed about the weather conditions in your area and take necessary precautions to stay safe. Remember to drink plenty of water, wear light clothing, and seek shelter in case of thunderstorms. Stay updated with the latest weather forecasts to plan your activities accordingly.

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