Saudi National Water Company Ensures Smooth Arafat Day Operations

Web DeskJune 17, 2024 05:34 AMworld
  • 1 billion liters of water pumped and distributed during Arafat Day
  • 286 million liters consumed at holy sites, 704 million distributed in Makkah
  • 4,840 laboratory tests conducted to ensure water quality for pilgrims
Saudi National Water Company Ensures Smooth Arafat Day OperationsImage Credits: arabnewspk
The Saudi National Water Company efficiently pumped and distributed 1 billion liters of water during Arafat Day to meet pilgrims' needs, ensuring a comfortable and safe experience at the holy sites in Makkah.

The Saudi National Water Company recently announced that they successfully pumped and distributed approximately 1 billion liters of water to Makkah and the holy sites during Arafat Day. This significant effort was aimed at meeting the water needs of pilgrims and ensuring a smooth and comfortable experience during this important religious event.

Out of the total water pumped, 286 million liters were consumed at the holy sites, while the remaining 704 million liters were distributed through Makkah's public water systems. The company's engineers and supervisors closely monitored the distribution process to guarantee efficient delivery and address any potential issues promptly.

Prior to Arafat Day, the water supply operations were meticulously planned to cater to the large number of pilgrims. Continuous water pumping to the holy sites and the Grand Mosque's facilities was maintained round the clock, with an additional 21 hours of pumping for Makkah's neighborhoods. The company's field teams were well-prepared to handle emergencies, ensuring uninterrupted water supply throughout the day.

On the day of Arafat, the company conducted a total of 4,840 laboratory tests to ensure the quality of water provided to pilgrims. These rigorous quality checks reflect the company's commitment to delivering safe and clean water to all visitors of the holy sites, prioritizing their well-being and health.

The Saudi National Water Company's efforts during Arafat Day exemplify their dedication to serving pilgrims and ensuring a comfortable experience for all. By prioritizing water supply and quality, the company plays a crucial role in supporting the spiritual journey of individuals visiting Makkah and the holy sites.

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