Lahore Shopkeepers Raise Prices for Khus-Filled Coolers

Web DeskJune 22, 2024 08:29 AMbusiness
  • Price surge due to inflation impacts traditional cooling method in Lahore
  • Khus prices for filling coolers nearly double, creating financial strain
  • Balancing cultural practices with economic challenges essential for Lahori households
Lahore Shopkeepers Raise Prices for Khus-Filled CoolersImage Credits:
Shopkeepers in Lahore have raised prices for filling traditional coolers with khus due to inflation, impacting households relying on this age-old cooling practice. The surge in costs has forced families to reconsider their cooling options, highlighting the need to balance cultural traditions with economic challenges.

Shopkeepers in Lahore have recently increased the prices for filling traditional coolers with khus, a fragrant cooling agent commonly used in households during hot summer months. This price surge is a result of inflation, impacting the cost of this traditional cooling method.

Previously, the cost of filling room coolers with khus stood at Rs2,100. However, due to economic factors, the prices have now escalated to a range between Rs3,000 and Rs3,500. This significant increase has put a strain on households relying on this age-old practice to beat the summer heat.

Khus, also known as vetiver, is a type of grass with a pleasant earthy aroma. It is soaked in water and used to cool the air in traditional coolers, providing a natural and refreshing alternative to modern cooling systems. This practice has been a part of Lahori culture for generations, offering a sustainable and eco-friendly way to combat the sweltering heat.

The rise in prices for filling coolers with khus has created financial challenges for many households in Lahore. With the cost nearly doubling from the previous year, families are now forced to reconsider their cooling options. Some may have to limit the use of traditional coolers or seek alternative methods to stay cool during the summer.

As the cost of filling Lahori traditional coolers with khus continues to rise, it is essential for both consumers and policymakers to address the challenges posed by inflation. Finding a balance between preserving cultural practices and adapting to economic changes is crucial to ensure that traditions like using khus in coolers remain accessible to all members of the community.

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